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Mandy Mason Parent Training

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“There is a reason for your child’s behaviour and Behaviour Science can tell us why that behaviour is occurring and how to change it”


This is my first Parenting Course launched on the learning platform, Udemy, bringing 20 years of working in the field of Behaviour Science, along with my own lived experience of how to be the best parent you can be using proven methods.

The 6 Pillars of Parenting, with videos and practical resources, will help transform you as a parent and give you tools to build motivation and resilience in your children – and to become a PARENT WARRIOR. 

Completion of the first course, the Beginner’s Battleground, in the 6 Pillars of Parenting series, will give you your Blue Badge, access to my Private Facebook Account, additional training resources, and eventual access to the Mandy Mason Parenting Academy of full training resources.

— Mandy Mason, Board Certified Behaviour Analyst, Precision Teacher, Founder of Good Juju Café, World Record Holder Masters Sprinter and Host of the ABA and PT Podcast

Mandy first came to the Science of Human Behaviour when her 2nd daughter, Juju, was diagnosed with severe autism before the age of 2. She left a career in finance to train as a Behaviour Scientist and on the journey to help her own daughter, began to build her expertise in how to work with children with complex needs, with learning challenges, behaviour challenges and how to help parents address those behaviours in their children. 20 years on, Mandy’s passion is to help parents find their way to effective practices drawn from Behaviour Science to profoundly change the way they interact with their kids and to gain the skills in how to parent and teach their kids effectively.

Mandy’s daughter Juju, now runs her own café, Good Juju Café, which is a place where Behaviour Science is used to teach workskills to children on the spectrum.

The Science of Human Behaviour by BF Skinner was published in 1957 and set the foundations for psychologists and teachers on how to use effective teaching strategies to profoundly change a human’s environment with the result that skills can be learned and mastered. Mandy is passionate about passing on these skills to parents to give them tools to change behaviours in their children and to understand why their kids might not be mastering skills taught at school or in out of school programs.